• Soap Sally

    My wife and I operate a photography business where we do a lot of work restoring, copying, duplicating, and repairing old photographs, which is usually brought to us by a member of the family. The important part of the photograph most every time is an image of a family predecessor. Parts of the image could…

  • Smarty Cat

    My daughter in law’s family and many of her close relatives live in Mexico. Her home was humble; dirt floor, not too many rooms but occupied by many family members. Their province was mostly savanna. The home was near a small stream. Fuel was obtained from the stunted tree and vegetation on their ranch. Animals…

  • Worlds Greatest Popcorn Salesman

    Many years ago, when my grandson was with his grandmother and me for several extended visits, became very close. We were in fact, “kindred spirits” and between the tow of us, we could do no wrong. This was especially true if his mother and grandmother did not know what we were up to. I think…

  • Rules to Live By

    Small rural communities are great places to live in. There are limitations, needless to say, but overall, there are many advantages. These towns enrich those who live in them because of the caliber of the people, who have interesting lives and experiences. There were the town’s folk who went away, came back, and told of…

  • Hard Times at the Claypool Courts

    Many years ago, the Claypool Courts Hotel, located on the Monument Circle, in Indianapolis, Indiana was one of the finest hotels in state. The coffee shop was very first-rate. In this story, the hotel was the central location of the events that follow. The weather was extremely cold, below zero and early in the morning…

  • Generation X; Analog to Digital

    In the same way saw the Greatest Generation saw the change from horse drawn carriages to automobiles and the birth of airplanes to the rise of the space shuttle, Generation X has seen firsthand the transition from analog to digital: carbon copies to CC: and BCC:, and a slide rule to an iPod. GenXers began…

  • Driving by the Future – Without Ever Knowing It

    I’m in Kokomo, IN this week, at a branch just off of US 31. I drove by this branch on the way to Niles, MI back in 1999 on the way to Michiana Christian Service Camp. The camp cook often visited a past family member at the graveyard just down the street from my home…

  • Mind your manners and mix your metaphors

    During a rain storm last week, I saw a caterpillar scooting across the sidewalk.  He was trying to get from one rain soaked area of grass, to another.  It seemed like he was going in a new direction to a better, drier place, but he was really going to end up in a location much…

  • Running into the Future

    This is a guest post written by Zac Parsons: I do not have the body of a runner.  I barely have the body of an athlete.  When I see video of myself in physical activity, I wince like most of us do when we hear our voice on a recording and think “Is that really…