Tag: Windows

  • Windows XP Support Ends in August, 2014

    As you may remember, even in 2011, I’m still installing XP for clients, but just so you’re aware, support for XP ends in August, 2014.

    According to Microsoft Support Lifecycle, support for Windows XP will end on August 4, 2014. Most companies still on Windows XP are skipping Windows Vistafor Windows 7, which will probably still be the dominant operating system choice for businesses in 2014. If you haven’t started testing your programs for Windows 7 compatibility, now is the time. Worst-case scenario is that you’ll have to run your XP apps within a virtualized XP PC on your desktop, but that is a pain and can take up extra system resources. Windows 7 comes with a compatibility checker that runs on install, but that’s probably not the best time to test.

    How much does Windows 7 cost?

    At Amazon.com, Windows 7 ranges from $266.22 for Ultimate to $174.99 for Home Premium:

  • Having Trouble Installing XP Professional on a Dell XPS 400

    I’ve been trying to install XP Professional on a Dell XPS 300 that originally came with XP Media Center Edition. It has a SATA hard drive that requires a driver before Windows Setup will recognize the hard drive. This requires using a program like nLite to create a ‘slipstreamed’ version of XP.

    Each iteration of this process involves copying the source files from the original CD, adding the drivers for the SATA drive, and then building and burning a new CD or DVD to try. I’ve done this 3 times so far and am on my 4th attempt. I’m pretty close to just buying Vista or Windows 7 to put on this machine in order to get it to join to a domain (Windows XP Media Center doesn’t join domains by default).

    [Update 1/1/2011: I ended up just swapping out the SATA drive with an IDE drive and moved forward. It’s like breaking down and using tables when you can’t get CSS to work (which I haven’t had to do in a while).]

  • Apps and Services to Find Your Phone or Mobile Device

    Have you ever lost your phone or laptop? It’s a horrifying feeling. Thankfully there are some things you can do about it before it happens to you.

    The following apps or services will help you find your smartphone or notebook if they are lost or stolen. They can also be used to find the person using them if you’ve lost them – whether or not they want to be found.

    Some of these are free and some are not. Whichever one you choose, it must be enabled before your phone or laptop is lost – and you must understand the security risks you’re taking to make your mobile devices more secure.

    Platform Device App or Service Description Price
    iOS iPhone Find My iPhone Displays your phones location on a map. Must use from another Apple device Free
    Android Smartphones Where’s My Droid Text the phone to get its GPS or Google Maps location via text. Free
    Android Smartphones LookOut Security and Antivirus Antivirus, Phone Locator, and Data Backup app. Free
    Android, Blackberry, iOS, OSX, and Windows Smartphones, Laptops, and Tablets GadgetTrack Find your mobile device and see who’s using it. Takes and sends pictures of it’s location. $19.95 per year
    OSX and Windows Laptops LoJack for Laptops Remotely locate, lock, and delete the data on your laptop. Service is guaranteed. $39.99 per year
    Windows Laptops Laptop Cop Remotely locate, lock, and delete the data on your laptop. Requires police report to enable. $49.95 per year
    OSX Laptops Hidden Find your mobile device and see who’s using it. Takes and sends pictures of it’s location. $15.00 per year

    The Hidden app, whose name itself makes it hard to find, got notoriety when a blogger posted pictures online of the man who allegedly stole his Macbook laptop (below), but for Android, Blackberry, and Windows users, GadgetTrack does something similar. Hidden is only for Mac operating systems, OSX.

  • Indianapolis Computer Repair

    Indianapolis, the Crossroads of America, is home to the Indianapolis 500, the Indianapolis Colts, and the Pacers. It’s also an area where Erich Stauffer technician, Erich Stauffer, has spent a lot of time in helping clients with their computer needs, which is why Erich Stauffer serves the greater Indianapolis area with Mobile Phone Support & PC Repair Services for Android™ & Windows®. From high rises on the circle to businesses in Park 100, Erich has helped small businesses with their computer needs all over the city.

    Erich Stauffer offers both on-site and off-site computer services for home and small business users in and around Indianapolis. We are available by appointment for on-site labor, which is charged at $100/hr. We may pick up your computer or mobile device if it is decided to continue with off-site service, which are billed at a flat-rate.

    A lot of the time we can fix your problem on-site, but if it requires more time or specialized tools, sometimes it’s more cost effective for us to take your computer to work on off-site and then return it. Usually this process takes no more than 48 hours, but situations vary.

  • Tipton Computer Repair and Web Design Services

    Erich Stauffer provides IT and web design services for Tipton county.

    Are you looking for someone who knows how to troubleshoot computer systems, networking issues, and security concerns? Erich Stauffer has been helping business owners like you for over 6 years and is ready and willing to hear about your concerns.

    Tipton, Indiana, home of the Tipton County Pork Festival and the southern boundary of the Miami Indian Reservation, is also home to technology consultant, Erich Stauffer. From Tipton, Indiana, Erich is able to quickly help business owners in Tipton, Carmel, Kokomo, Fishers, Noblesville, and Westfield, but he also serves Plainfield, Brownsburg, Pendleton, Indianapolis, and Greenwood areas.

    Erich Stauffer offers both on-site and off-site computer services for small business owner operators in Tipton County. Erich will pick up the equipment if it is decided to continue with off-site service. All off-site options are billed using a flat-rate system.

  • Welcome Tipton County Pork Festival Visitors

    If you had the opportunity to watch the Tipton County Pork Festival parade on Thursday, you may have recieved a flyer about Erich Stauffer’s services. If so, thanks for visiting our page. We offer several services to help you with technology whether that be your computer or your phone. If you’re wondering what the strange black-and-white box is on the right side of the flyer, it’s called a “Quick Response” or QR code. They are a special type of barcode that can store information like a web address, phone, number, and other information.

    Our technician, Erich Stauffer, is a Microsoft Certified Professional and is CompTIA A+ and Network+ certified. This means he has successfully completed programs about advanced Windows XP and Server 2003 settings as well as general hardware and network troubleshooting. He also has over 5 years of experience helping home and business owners with their personal and business needs. Erich is very friendly and professional. Although very tall, he has a soft demeanor and will patiently listen to your problems before he begins to fix them.

  • How to Force an Internet Shortcut to be Opened in a Specific Browser in Windows

    shortcutHow can I open a specific web shortcut in Windows in a specific web browser?

    The trick is not to do it as a HTML shortcut, but as a program “switch”.  You can even copy and edit an existing shortcut to a program just by adding a space and the Internet address after the program path.  Here are some of the most common program paths:
    “C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe” http://erichstauffer.com

    Internet Explorer
    “C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” http://erichstauffer.com

    “C:Program FilesSafariSafari.exe” http://erichstauffer.com

    “C:Documents and Settings%username%Local SettingsApplication DataGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe” http://erichstauffer.com