This is a story about three boys and one girl who meet on a train “one night”
This is a “jukebox musical” compilation I made on Spotify which weaves a story out of pop songs. You can listen to it on Spotify here: One Night
[Act I]
1. Some Nights by Fun – Three boys looking for something to stand for decide to stay up all night and start walking towards the train station.
2. Breathe Me by Sia – A girl named Valerie is walking the streets alone at night after selling herself for drugs. She gets on the train.
3. Kill Your Heroes by Awol Nation – The boys notice her sitting alone and afraid and decide to approach her.
4. Shake it Out by Florence and the Machine – The train stops and they all get off the train downtown and go into a club where Valerie sings while one boy goes to the bar and the other two go off to the bathroom.
5. We are Young by Fun – The boy at the bar begins courting Valerie inside the club. They end up leaving the club together and walking along the street together.
6. Lights by Ellie Goulding – The girl ends up talking about how much she misses her home and begins walking back towards the train when the other two boys appear.
7. Ho Hey by The Lumineers – One of the boy begins singing to Valerie stating that she should be his sweetheart instead. She doesn’t want anything to do with him.
8. Wide Awake by Katy Perry – Valerie then realizes now what she has to do and she goes home to her family.
9. I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons – One of the boy begins to kneel down and begins singing to her about how he will wait for her.
10. The Cave by Mumford and Sons – They boys get off of the train and begin walking home as the sun rises.
[Act II]
11. Fiction by The xx – One boy wakes up lamenting the night before. He curses the daylight and the light of day between him and Valerie.
12. Madness by Muse – Another boy wakes up back at home in his room and begins singing about Valerie. He realizes what she needs and begins to make a plan.
13. It’s Time by Imagine Dragons – the third boy wakes up and refuses to change who he is or where he came from. He wants to bend the world to his will – and because of that he is lonely.
14. Both of Us by Taylor Swift and B.o.B. – Valerie wakes up at her house and is confronted by her angry father. She ends up realizing why she left home in the first place and begins running back to meet one of the boys.
15. Glad You Came by The Wanted – Valerie meets one of the boys and he begins to sing to her about how glad he is that she’s come back.
16. Good Time by Owl City and Carly Rae Jespen – Valerie and the boy sing a duet together about the good times they see themselves together in the future.
17. Too Close by Alex Clare – Just then, another boy appears to confront Valerie about his love for her and he sings her this song.
18. As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber – Another boy appears to proclaim his love to Valerie.
19. Wild Ones by Flo Rida and Sia – Valerie ends up choosing one of the boys and they sing together about making a new home together.
20. Home by Phillip Phillips – The boy and Valerie go make a new home for themselves.
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