Downtown: The Musical
This jukebox musical is a playlist on Spotify. I’ve weaved a story out of the following pop songs. It’s something I do for fun. This particular musical is a response to Uptown: The Musical. At the bottom of this post are links to other rock musicals I’ve done in the same way. [Act I] Downtown…
Uptown Funk: The Musical
Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars (definitely the first song): Father is a pimp at the top of his game, walking through uptown to great fanfare Love You by The Free Design: A baby is sang to by family over time, 10 years pass over the course of the song One Man Can Change The…
The Adjacent Possible
Link to: How to Work a Life of Purpose Cal Newport’s book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love In Cal Newport’s book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love, of which Haden’s article is…
Pixar’s Soul – Themes and Reflections
Rather than be specific, which I couldn’t be without re-watching the movie and taking notes, I’ll give you a summary of what happened and make comments along the way. The main character is a part-time band teacher in a middle school. The movie opens with him getting promoted to full-time work. He immediately feels let…
Will Ready Player One Ever Become a Real Game?
Ready Player One is a book written by Ernest Cline in 2011. On March 30, 2018, the feature length film will debut in movie theaters, but will there ever be a real virtual reality game like the one found in Ready Player One? In the novel, The OASIS is a virtual universe, containing thousands of…
One of the most popular computer games right now is Minecraft, a game that allows you to create, edit, and explore worlds by digging, transforming, and creating new things out of basic materials like wood, stone, and metal. I started playing Minecraft on November 27, 2011. Two days later I noted, “I bought it specifically…
Flight in the Bible
2 Samuel 22:7-20 – The Lord Flies, Blazes Bolts of Lightning “In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears. 8 The earth trembled and quaked, the foundations of the heavens[c] shook; they trembled because he was angry. 9 Smoke…
Review of All You Need is Kill
I was 13 years old in 1993 when Groundhog Day was released in theaters. 5 years later, I started writing a looping screenplay of my own called “Breeze Way”. In 2009, Hiroshi Sakurazaka published All You Need is Kill, a looping war action drama, which was released as Edge of Tomorrow in 2014. I was…
Predestination Explained: a Timeline without Paradoxes
The following timelines show how the timeline we saw in the movie, Predestination, was not the original timeline, but one edited by Robertson. These are just my ideas: Option 1 Time travel was invented in 1981 and Robertson is tasked with creating the perfect temporal agent. Robertson researches medical textbooks and finds a case of…