In this 714th post, I discuss my top content, keywords, and income for this website.
Ecclesiastes 3:5 says that there is, “A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away (NLT).” Since 2007 I have been purchasing domains for speculation or use, but lately I have been condensing the total number of domains I own. Most of the time I roll them into this blog, but this led to a big pile of disjointed posts that had no real, central meaning. I recently spent a day consolidating the post categories down to 9 main categories + 1 called “Tweets” and then redesigned the homepage to showcase the last 3 posts with a thumbnail + the most popular posts + the last 5 posts from the 9 main categories. This is how I overcame the problem. Looking back, the solution seems simple, but there was a lot of work in eliminating and combining categories for hundreds of posts + the custom programming of the home page to do what it’s doing “automatically”.
Here is a List of Former Domains Included in
The spike in traffic you see at the left edge of the image above is from combining all posts from the old Watershawl site into this blog. As you can see, the traffic didn’t continue and tapered off, despite leaving the posts in place. Total visits were 2,268 with 2,077 being unique. There were 3,504 pageviews with 1.54 pages per visit. The bounce rate was 75.13%, which is slightly higher than last month. Most people used Chrome (25.5%) followed by Internet Explorer (22.5%), Firefox (20.9%), and Safari (18.5%). Most visits were from New York City (166) followed by Fishers, Indiana (35), San Francisco (33), Chicago (26) and Indianapolis (25). Internet Explorer being topped by Chrome means that the addition of new technical content on mobile devices and query strings has attracted a more technical crowd compared to last month.
Top 10 Content
- Best of Erich Stauffer Figurines – 287 Pageviews
- How to Auto-Forward Text Messages to Email in Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Palm Pre, and the iPhone – 259 Pageviews
- What Happened to College Club? – 229 Pageviews
- Erich Stauffer Figurines Price Guide – 197 Pageviews
- Syncing Outlook Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks with Android Using Gmail – 171 Pageviews
- 6 Ways to Install Android APK Files – 146 Pageviews
- 80’s Toy Rediscovered: The Original Roller Racer – 139 Pageviews
- Arnart Imports Porcelain Marks – 119 Pageviews
- Best of Arnart Crossed Arrows – 104 Pageviews
- Dr. James Dobson’s 12 Steps of Intamacy – 93 Pageviews
The three posts to fall out of the top ten were Arnart’s Erich Stauffer Fake Hummels (45), Email (49), and My CEO Heroes (6).
Top 10 Keywords
- erich stauffer – 55 visits
- – 39 visits
- forward text messages to email – 22 visits
- college club website – 13 visits
- erich stauffer figurines – 13 visits
- arnart imports – 12 visits
- erich stauffer collectibles – 11 visits
- collegeclub email – 10 visits
- erich stauffer figurine prices – 10 visits
- erich stauffer 8515 – 9 visits
Despite the new, technical content from, the only change in the top keywords was the addition of “forward text messages to email.”
Top 10 Sources
- – 102 visits
- – 38 visits
- – 10 visits
- – 7 visits
- – 6 visits
- – 6 visits
- – 5 visits
- – 5 visits
- – 4 visits
- – 4 visits
I was pleased to see Twitter ( in the mix this time and I am sure this has mostly to do with my testing of the Tweetily plugin to automatically and randomly send links to old WordPress posts.
Income Stats
Amazon Associates Affiliate Program: 82 Items Ordered – 78 Items Shipped – $150 Advertising Fees
Google Adsense: $127 Estimate