How I Use Google Analytics for Business
There are 6 main areas that I check in Google Analytics to get a feel for how a site is performing, where the traffic is coming from, and what the people are interested in. Audience Overview While some may view these as “vanity metrics”, they give you a baseline comparison month over month and year…
Top Posts and Keywords for December 2012
In this 714th post, I discuss my top content, keywords, and income for this website. Ecclesiastes 3:5 says that there is, “A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away (NLT).” Since 2007 I have been purchasing domains for speculation or use, but…
Top Posts and Keywords for November 2012
In this 667th post, I discuss my top content, keywords, and income for this website. Occasionally I’ll do an analysis of my blog content and share it out for others to learn from what I’m doing. Dukeo does this with his monthly blogging stats so I’m thinking about doing it more often, maybe monthly. We’ll…
How to Find Your Top Keywords in the New Google Analytics
If you’re like me, you had trouble originally finding where the top keywords were in the new Google Analytics dashboard. It used to be under Traffic Sources > Keywords, but now it’s under Traffic Sources > Sources > Search > Organic. Google Analytics Organic Search Keywords report shows Site Usage with Keyword, Visits, Pages/Visit, Average…
Sales Insight from Google Analytics Service Providers
Google Analytics’ Service Providers listing can give you insight into who is visiting your website each month. I was showing one of my client’s their web statistics for the month via Google Analytics and discovered that there was some useful information that I hadn’t been sharing before. When I showed them the Visitors section I…
Keyword Metrics for Success
Research and Analysis Metrics Micro-niches are identified as the number one keyword receiving at least 80 searches per day and websites containing that keyword being less than 30,000 globally. The key is to find that sweet spot on the matrix of high traffic and low competition. To do this, find keywords which match the following…