“Some people have the uncanny ability to make more in a week than most will earn over a lifetime. What’s better, they do it all the time. Amish Shah is one of those people.” Below is a screenshot of his presentation secrets, which I have outlined below. Click the image to watch the full video from Mindvalley Insights.
Presentation Secrets
- You are not the hero, the audience is.
- It’s not about just you. It should be a shared belief.
- Tell Stories because it conveys meaning.
- Facts don’t sell. Emotions do.
- Stand out.
- Be human and stay connected.
- Talk to the audience personally.
- You are the mentor.
- Help the audience get “unstuck”.
- Come from a place of humility and be selfless.
- Combine two things: Facts and Stories.
- Stories provide an experience.
- Facts provide information.
- First create the desire in the audience and then fill it.
- Formula
- Intro and unfulfilled desire – Relatable Hero
- Presents dramatic actions held together by confrontation. Obstacle for the character – Roadblocks
- Resolution – Transformation
- Audience needs to change internally and follow you.
This is similar to the advice Mimi Henderlong of Threadless gives about “telling a story about someone who works at your company and make your customer the hero.” In the following video Amish explains the basics behind his record-breaking launches, his tried and tested theory on how to humanize your work, and how to overcome the single biggest hurdle that all affiliate marketers face – credibility.