• My Media Heroes

    I’d like to share who some of my heroes and inspirations in the publishing business (bloggers, media moguls, and Internet marketers) have been and are: Nick Denton: President and founder of Gawker Media, an online publishing group which puts out titles such as Gawker, Gizmodo and Lifehacker. Nick has been involved in internet media since…

  • 5 New Ways BP Could Make Money

    BP has been branded as “beyond petroleum” for about 10 years now and The SDN would like to help them with that goal by brainstorming new ways BP could make money outside of oil: Harvest nickel, potassium, titanium, and zinc from household dust. Mine nickel, zinc, iron, aluminum, titanium, and copper from ocean water Purchase…

  • Strengths and Streams: Part II

    This is not a get rich quick scheme. This is about how to set a goal, make a plan, and execute (ready, aim, fire). There is no “thing” that can make you rich, if that is your goal. There is only you. Learn how to manage your thoughts so you can better manage your actions.

  • Identifying Strengths and Revenue Streams

    How to Identify Strengths and Revenue Streams I need to make $8,000 to $10,000 (depending on what measurements, more on that later) in 2-4 weeks. This is how much I need in order to get back on my feet, financially. I have a day-job as a business analyst, but it doesn’t bring in enough to…

  • Dan Pink on the Surprising Science of Motivation

    TED has a talk entitled, “The Suprising Science of Motivation,” where career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. With a trio of influential bestsellers, Dan Pink has changed the way companies view…

  • Studying Success

    Successes can motivate you and give you ideas on what to do differently.  My wife has pushed me to use my personality and blend it with what I enjoy doing.  Find something to do that you would normally do for free and start charging others for your services.  Then you will succeed, at least that…

  • 4 Steps from Wanting to Receiving

    I went to bed last night thinking about my experience earlier in the day with my daughter at the gas station.  We walked there to get my wife a coke, but had some “extra” money to get her some candy.  When we walked through the candy aisle, she started looking at the bags of candy…

  • The Art of Gardening

    While pulling weeds in my garden this afternoon, which I am accustomed to doing after church on Sundays throughout the summer, I began consciously trying to free my mind from everything outside of the relationship between me and my garden. And the moment my mind was free, I was able to find the answer I…

  • A Rainy Day is the Best Time to Sell and Umbrella; How to Become Successful in a Recession

    Now that America is in an Awakening, we need manufacturing more than ever.  Start in the ground.  What raw materials do we have to work with? Fossil fuels for energy (hundreds of years of coal, at least ten years of oil, and some natural gas to boot) Copper (a third is still in the ground,…