Studying Success

Successes can motivate you and give you ideas on what to do differently.  My wife has pushed me to use my personality and blend it with what I enjoy doing.  Find something to do that you would normally do for free and start charging others for your services.  Then you will succeed, at least that is what my brother taught me.  This blog post shares a little bit about my family and what my brother has shared with me about how he decided to start his own business.

Most people don’t like to mow their lawns.  My brother has never complained about mowing.  He finds it peaceful and rewarding when he turns around and sees the straight lines and clean cut grass.  Then he started noticing all the horribly installed fences.  He wanted to install straight, neat and top-quality wooden privacy fences.  He then built his first privacy fence on his property and have critiqued it over and over again in his own mind.  Through those trials he learned what works and started his own fencing contractor business.

Here is a story my brother tells about learning how to sell:

I knocked on the door next to a new mowing customer I got two weeks ago because their lawn was worse than the one I was mowing.  When the lady answered she was not prepared to talk to me.  I asked her if I could give her a quote for mowing and she said she had a 13 year old.  Ok I left a business card anyways and said if she changed her mind to call me.  3 days later I got an e-mail from them.  No phone call, just an email.  I was driving to St. Louis on Wednesday when they wrote the email.  I did not check my email until Friday morning while waiting for a colleague in the hotel lobby on a free computer.  Shocked that they even responded and I was now 3 days later to respond, I quickly gave them a call, scheduled a time to meet.  emailed them the estimate at night, they next day they called with the good news that we got the bid and 50% down.

A Delay is Not a Denial

Just because someone does not return your message right away or come to a conclusion right away, it doesn’t mean they aren’t interested.  A delay is not a denial.


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