• Successful People Balance the Big-Picture with the Details

    One of the biggest challenges in life is balancing the “big picture” with the details. You have to have a macro and a micro view of your life at all times. In life as in film editing, when you’re working on some minor detail, you have to be thinking about how it fits into everything…

  • How to Work a Life of Purpose

    What is my purpose in work? How can I find a career I love? I have been reading Hacker News for the last six months or so and a few days ago I stumbled upon a Jeff Haden piece called “Do What You Love? Screw That”. I admit, this title intrigued me. I had been…

  • How to Successfully Manage People

    The purpose of How to Successfully Manage People by Jon Anshutz is to give you a better understanding of what it takes to effectively manage people. “How To Successfully Manage People” is a complete guide for managing. Anshutz goes out of his way to teach you the skills you will need to get the most out…

  • Strengths and Streams: Part II

    This is not a get rich quick scheme. This is about how to set a goal, make a plan, and execute (ready, aim, fire). There is no “thing” that can make you rich, if that is your goal. There is only you. Learn how to manage your thoughts so you can better manage your actions.

  • Dan Pink on the Surprising Science of Motivation

    TED has a talk entitled, “The Suprising Science of Motivation,” where career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. With a trio of influential bestsellers, Dan Pink has changed the way companies view…

  • Are you just going to stand there?

    I was standing with my family, talking and waiting for the parade to start.  It was that time of year again.  The Pork Festival had come to town and today was the big day.  On Saturday, there is a big parade and everyone who wants to see it lines up along the parade route for…

  • 7 Ways to Grow the Action Habit

    People at the top of every profession share one quality — they get things done. This ability supercedes intelligence, talent, and connections in determining the size of your salary and the speed of your advancement. Despite the simplicity of this concept there is a perpetual shortage of people who excel at getting results. The action…