Crypolocker Ransomware Alert

Beware of new Crypolocker ransomware that encrypts all your files after you open an email attachment.


This virus encrypts all of your files and then forces you to pay $300 in bitcoin to unlock your files. If you don’t pay, they delete the key after 72 hours and your files are essentially gone. All files that are writable/editable by your user account are affected, including files stored on a network and all USB backups. It’s able to get past most antivirus programs, but there are things you can do:

  • Restrict network access as much as possible
  • Inform users to beware of attachments
  • Keep regular OFFLINE backups

Here are some reference links about the Cryptolocker Ransomware:

Here is an example email you can send to your staff or clients:

Recently there has been a new type of cyber attack on computer systems that has the ability to compromise an entire network of computer files. The virus/malware comes in through an email attachment and then promptly encrypts all network files so that they can not be accessed. The idea behind this virus is for companies to pay $300 or more to have the writers of the virus so they can decrypt the files for access again.

Despite having security systems in place, the openness of certain environments such as your email program and your web browser can still allow this type of attack to occur. While we will continue to develop new systems to protect your organization, we need everyone to be aware of the part they play in keeping the network secure while in their email and while online.

Here are 4 simple ways to Avoid Getting a Virus:

  1. Don’t open e-mails from people you don’t know (even if it seems like it’s from a company you normally deal with)
  2. Don’t open attachments in e-mails unless you were waiting for the attachment
  3. Don’t go to websites/click links that you don’t fully trust
  4. Don’t download and execute files that you don’t fully trust

Please note that even if the file extension says “PDF” it may actually be a ZIP or EXE file that could potentially run and cause harm to your computer files or files on the network. We all have a part to play in helping to keep our computer networks secure in an ever-evolving security landscape.