Accept Mobile Payments with Square

Square RegisterOne of my client’s wanted me to introduce the team to a new credit card processing option from Square that will allow the office to:

  • Accept AMEX payments (previously too expensive under their existing merchant account)
  • Lower their credit card fees (with a flat 2.75% rate)
  • Allow’s their patient to be in control of their card the whole time
  • Allow patients to pay while seated, increasing sales
  • One more opportunity to capture a patient’s email address

This new payment option works the same way it does at Nordstrom’s by allowing a patient to swipe and sign on an iPad. Nordstom has already seen an increase in sales from using Square’s mobile payment system. But they are not alone, Square has also partnered with Starbucks as part of their Square Wallet program, which lets other Square users pay with their phone.

How does Square work?

I encourage you to check out their awesome-looking website, but in general, you’ll get the total from Dentrix, type it into the app, have them swipe and sign, then enter either their email address or cell phone number to get emailed or texted a receipt. This information gets stored online under your Square account and a transactional email will be sent with each charge.

What types of cards does Square accept?

Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express. It works with credit and debit cards, but HSA cards can be accepted by healthcare providers like dentists as long as you apply here.

What if someone doesn’t want to use the mobile payment system to swipe their card?

Tell them that it is used by Nordstrom and Starbucks, but if they still object, this new system will operate side-by-side with the existing credit card terminal. If someone is uncomfortable using Square on the iPad mini, that will still be an option.

Will we have to have the ability to balance when we go on-line? Will we be able to print an end-of-day report?

You can print an end of day report from any computer via the internet.

  1. Simply login to Square using your username and password
  2. Click on the Payments page in the top navigation bar.
  3. Use the date selector or the pre-defined date ranges on the left-hand side of the page to choose the dates you wish to view.
  4. Click the Spreadsheets button at the top right of the page.
  5. Select either Transactions, Items Details, Items Summary or Mobile Staff Summary to download each spreadsheet.

A .CSV file will download to your computer, which you can open using Microsoft Excel or any other common spreadsheet program or financial software. The file will include a separate column for tender type, total sales, discounts, taxes, fees, tips and payment URLs.  All of these instructions can be found here.

You can also import transactions into Quickbooks.  This page will detail that process.

Will everyone in the office be able to see everything on the account?

Not if you don’t want them to. Another feature of Square is that you can create “mobile users” that can accept payments without logging into the master account and viewing sensitive information.  You can see the instructions to create individual logins here.

Please let me know if you have any  more questions. Looking for a company like Square to accept online payments? Try Stripe. I listed Mobile Payment Processing as one of the 13 Trends Changing the World, but what do you think? Please leave a comment below.