The 10 Best Cities for Starting a Business in 2015
According to a Forbes slideshow, the 10 best cities for starting a business in the United States is based on: Average revenue of businesses Percentage of businesses with paid employees Number of businesses per 100 people Unemployment rate It’s unclear as to what order these cities are supposed to be in or what makes these…
From the Garden to the City: The Epic Entrepreneur’s Story
Every entrepreneur has their own version of the classic “entrepreneur’s journey”. They usually share this story at the beginning of an interview or podcast. I’ve never been interviewed or been on a podcast so I decided to write my own. I’m choosing myself. 🙂 Family Background From the time I was born my family moved…
e-Commerce Metric: Time to First Sale
This is not just a record of the amount of time it took to get to first sale, a metric called “time to first sale”, but a story about what it took to go from idea to first sale. This is a story of how one idea can lead to another and how people can…
Mindvalley Insights recently emailed me an article entitled, How to Avoid Entrepreneurial ADD and Pick the Most Viable Ideas to Pursue, which I thoroughly enjoyed and prompted me to write this post. Below is that 7-minute talk where Vishen, CEO of Mindvalley Insights, shares how he uses the principal of leverage to pick business opportunities.…
Thinking About a Starting a New Business?
I’ve been thinking about starting a new business lately and I wanted to share my process with others as I do it to help those who might be thinking of starting their own business. Every business starts with an idea. That idea may come from you or from someone asking you to do their idea,…
Jim Halpert’s Marketing Company, Athlead
Jim Halpert is a character in the American version of The Office. One thing that interested me about the final season was Jim’s newly found entrepreneurial spirit. One of Jim’s college friends starts up a sports marketing company using an idea they had come up with in college and offers Jim a chance to partner…
Time to Pretend by MGMT
I really like the song, Time to Pretend, by MGMT. It has an interesting sound and a playful beat, but when I read the lyrics online, I was a little disappointed in the content. When I heard the lyrics in my head, they sounded much different – so I decided to re-write some of it…
How I Made it as an Entrepreneur
I got this email from an old friend today and wanted to post my reply to him: So how are things at Watershawl these days? You still able to make a living off of it all? I’m pretty anxious to hear all about what you’ve got going on these days. It seems like you’ve been…
10 Entrepreneur and Startup Board Games
As an entrepreneur who is interested in startups and board games, I considered making my own entrepreneurship board game or a board game about starting up, but like any good business owner, I started with market research. It turns out there are already at least ten entrepreneur or startup board games either on the market…