Why you should get LOST
As someone who is laughably prone to hyperbole, it may may seem inconsequential that I laud it as the greatest television show of all time. You may be asking yourself: “What is so great about it?” or “How can a modern show compare to TV classics from other eras?” or “What kind of a weirdo,…
LOST Recap – Pilot
The most expensive pilot in television history sets the stage for one of the greatest serialized story lines in any medium. This article is written with the knowledge of the first five seasons of LOST under my belt. The mosaic has not been revealed completely, but enough has transpired to produce a sense of nostalgia…
Last night the show that started on September 22, 2004, nearly 8 months after the birth of my first child, ended it’s run with a finale that is sure to be heralded as one of the top last-episodes of all time. My oldest daughter is now 6, but it’s unclear exactly when she outlived the…
Why You Should Get LOST
This is a guest post written by Zac Parsons. As someone who is laughably prone to hyperbole, it may may seem inconsequential that I laud it as the greatest television show of all time. You may be asking yourself: “What is so great about it?” or “How can a modern show compare to TV classics…
Man of Science, Man of Faith
You may remember my articles on the evolution of Jack Shephard from earlier this year. If not, you can find part 1 here and part 2 here. If you are already initiated into LOST and won’t be spoiled by information from seasons 1-4, I highly recommend watching this compilation clip on Youtube about the dichotomy between Jack…
Mirror Matter Moon
The Mirror Matter Moon theory is one of the most prominent theories on LOST to explain what the island is and why it might behave like it does. Essentially, the island is a moon made of mirror matter. There are two types of matter, the matter we know and love, and the opposite. We can…
LOST Pilot – Part 2
Shannon has found her belongings and retrieved a bikini to take advantage of the sun. Boone arrives to tell her that he and the other survivors are going through the wreckage and salvaging everything they can. She makes it clear that she has no intention of helping. What’s the point, they’re going to be rescued…
Reviewing LOST Again Before Season 6 in 2010
My wife has decided to start watching LOST again from the very beginning. She’s seen all of the episodes once already and I’m not sure what started her on this quest, but she has been noticing a lot more this time around and delights in the character development that happens early on in the show.…
The Gristmill at Spring Mill State Park: Mirror Matter Moon
I always looked up to Zac at college. He was cool and people liked him. I can only remember talking to him once my freshman year. He and I were both standing in line to make our own omelets. I was wearing a Plank Eye shirt at the time and somehow we started talking about…