Tag: Apocalypse

  • Apocalypse Survival Guide

    Public power and water service may be out of service. Food distribution systems may be down. Communications networks may be out. Your vehicle may not work or you may not be able to get fuel. You may also see a disruption in your source of income or the value of your currency. The following are some tips to help you think through these scenarios in case they ever become a reality.

    No Power, No Water

    You can’t survive more than three days without water so make this a priority. If you don’t or can’t buy a water filtration system now, six t-shirts and a drop of bleach per gallon will filter and disinfect your water. This means you’ll need to keep bleach on hand, though.

    For light at night, candles will only last so long. Know that pencil lead (graphite) and peanuts both burn bright and slow once lit. Be aware not to carbon monoxide poison yourself by burning wood or kerosene. Keep fumes ventilated. If you don’t have a fireplace, use your dryer vent.

    No More Food

    You can stock up on canned goods and ammo, but both will run out. Get a garden’s worth of seeds, a bow, and some arrows that can be reused or made. Also learn what native plants you can safely eat. The white pulp inside cattail stems tastes kind of like a radish and is safe and plentiful along ditches and pond banks. Dandelion leaves and flowers are edible, but the stems are poisonous. White pine needles can also be ate, but taste better boiled, which releases the tanic acid.

    No Phones or Internet

    As you would in a fire escape plan, pick a location to meet and/or exchange messages with loved ones in the event of a disaster. Ideally they would be located at a waypoint between two areas. Depending on the type of disaster, radio equipment may work as long as there is power, but plan ahead on what type of radio you’ll use. To protect equipment from an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), store it and its power source in a metal box.

    No Transportation

    An EMP can disable the electronics in your car, but even if it doesn’t there could be other reasons why fuel may be unavailable. The fastest way to move may be by horse, followed by bicycle. If you can’t afford a horse or aren’t lucky enough to find a public horse, acquire a bike. A wagon (then and now) is a bonus.

    No Income

    If your job has not become useless, defunct, or out of business, you may still find that currency has collapsed. In this case, bartering goods will be in effect. It will be good to have a Depression-era mindset and not throw anything away. Keep in mind that bartering is more than stuff and services you provide (like courier service on your bike) can be used in trade as well.

    How Likely is Any of This to Happen?

    NASA has said that the sun may send an EMP in early 2013. A nuclear blast in the upper atmosphere by a rogue nation would have the same effect. But its not just EMPs. If Yellowstone blows it could disrupt power and transportation in America for months. Be good stewards with the time you have now to prepare for the future.

  • Waking Up to an EMP

    You wake up in the morning as the sun hits your face.  You check the clock and see that the electricity has gone out and you start to panic, wondering what time it is.  You reach for your cell phone to check the time and call your boss, but it too is off.  Attempts to turn it back on fail so you go to turn on your laptop to check the time there and see what is going on.  When your laptop fails to start you start to wonder what is actually going on so you go outside to your car.  Many of your neighbors are standing outside talking to one another.  That’s odd, you think to yourself, but they’re probably just asking each other about the power outage.  You get in the car to check the time and listen to some news on the radio, but when you turn the key, nothing happens.  That’s when it hits you.  There’s been an EMP and the world has changed overnight.

    Immediately your thoughts switch to survival mode.  The bicycle on your front porch just became one of the most valuable vehicles on the block.  The water in the tower won’t last long once everyone realizes what is going on.  Good thing there are no modes of communication so as long as your mouth shut you can take advantage of other peoples ignorance.  You use your credit card at the gas station to purchase non perishable foods and propane tanks.  Since the electricity is down they have converted to swiping carbon copies.  A lot of good that will do you say to yourself.  Meanwhile you head back and fill your bathtub up with water and wonder how you are going to communicate with your family members to let them know what’s going on.  The very satellites used to detect electromagnetic pulses from the sun or an atomic explosion have been taken out.  All cell phone and land lines are down. The power grid is toast.  Even natural gas has stopped  flowing as electric pumps have failed.

    Welcome to the apocalypse.