The Average Cost of a Like on Facebook
What’s the average price for a Facebook like using Facebook advertising? Below are some real examples from ads I’ve ran on Facebook for three different Facebook pages. The first is an example of a poor (expensive) rate. It averaged $1.12 per page like. There are several reasons why this rate was high: The pictures I…
How to Identify a Micro-Niche
How to find a profitable niche to start blogging about on your new mini-site In a previous post I wrote about how to monetize your blog, but I didn’t mention how to find a niche market to promote. There are many ‘rules’ about this, but while I may point out some, not all are going…
The Monetization Connection
How to make money from a blog or mini-site Previously I wrote about blogging for profit, but didn’t go into detail about how to monetize the content. In other words, how do you make money from a blog? There are three primary ways to make money from a blog: 1. Ads – this is the…
Indianapolis Dentistry Embraces Twitter
An Indianapolis dentist has begun using Twitter to reach out to his patients in a way that he has never done before. “I didn’t even know what Twitter was until I started using it,” said the dentist.
Microsoft Debuts First Seinfeld Ad to Poor Reviews
There was high expectations for Jerry when he was picked by Crispin Porter + Bogusky to headline Microsoft’s $300 million dollar ad campaign this year. Last night during the NFL season opening, the first Microsoft ad debuted. Immediately it was copied from DVRs to Youtube and people began to comment – mostly negatively. I have…