INSBC – Indiana Backflow Classes

The Indiana School of Backflow and Cross-Connections provides the best possible education on protecting the drinking water supply in Central Indiana. INSBC is certified by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management as a Training Provider for Backflow Prevention Assembly Testers and Cross-Connection Control Inspectors and by the Indiana Backflow Prevention Association to provide Continuing Education Units for Indiana Water Operators. Their classroom features a University of Southern California-modeled ‘Wet Lab’ for practice testing and hands-on learning. INSBC likes having a WordPress web site because it allows them to easily update their site.

You can see the latest backflow certification classes here:


2 responses to “INSBC – Indiana Backflow Classes”

  1. Steve Beard Avatar
    Steve Beard

    I am interested in certification for back flow prevention. I am a licensed plumbing contractor in Indiana. Would like to know when the next class is scheduled.

    Thank you,

    1. Erich Stauffer Avatar
      Erich Stauffer

      Steve, you can see the latest backflow certification classes here: