• The Adjacent Possible

    Link to: How to Work a Life of Purpose Cal Newport’s book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love In Cal Newport’s book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love, of which Haden’s article is…

  • My First Day at Blue Acorn iCi

    I read #donutrunbecausehappy as “don’t run because you’re happy” and I was like, ‘that’s the old me’, but then I realized that because I read it that way, I still have part of that mindset. Blue Acorn iCi’s onboarding officially lasts 60 days, but the initial, intensive learning period is 2 weeks. The first part…

  • How to Edit Horizontal Video into Vertical Video in Adobe Premiere

    Step 1 – Create a New Sequence Choose “Arris Cinema” and then go to “Settings” and change the size to 1080 x 1920. Once the video has been added, in Effects, choose “Auto Reframe” to zoom and crop the video. Step 2 – Export the Video Choose H.264 and then make sure the checkbox next…

  • The 5% Rule

    How small shifts lead to big changes I first discovered this effect in March of 2014 when I read the Edison Energy paper on solar energy adoption. They determined that even a 5% adoption of solar energy would be enough to “tip the scales irreversibly”. This is when I coined the term, “The 5% Rule”,…

  • Pixar’s Soul – Themes and Reflections

    Rather than be specific, which I couldn’t be without re-watching the movie and taking notes, I’ll give you a summary of what happened and make comments along the way. The main character is a part-time band teacher in a middle school. The movie opens with him getting promoted to full-time work. He immediately feels let…

  • Lean Forward

    The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9 This is an anonymous guest post from a friend in response to my question: “What motivates you to keep going?” Trust me it gets dark for everyone. I feel it gets darker for people like us. Because we hold…

  • Successful People Balance the Big-Picture with the Details

    One of the biggest challenges in life is balancing the “big picture” with the details. You have to have a macro and a micro view of your life at all times. In life as in film editing, when you’re working on some minor detail, you have to be thinking about how it fits into everything…

  • Remembering Sycamore Creative

    Modern Designed Bible Prints from Jason Cobb and Justin Bessinger Sycamore Creative Bible Prints was a company that produced Bible verse poster prints that gave us a better view of Christ (like the Sycamore tree of Luke 19) and foster a “Deuteronomy 6” lifestyle — where Scripture is fully integrated into the believer’s, schedule, conversation,…

  • Which Bud Light Seltzer Flavor Tastes Best?

    Full Review of All 4 Beer Flavors This video is about the Bud Light Seltzer covered in the Post Malone Super Bowl commercial. I review each flavor (black cherry, lemon-lime, strawberry, and mango) and let you know which beer tasted the best.