Anyone Can Take a Reservation
One thing I keep hearing from programmers and product owners is that the most important thing (or the hardest thing) is marketing and sales of their product. And to that I say, you have to have a product to market and that’s the hardest part is figuring out what people want, making it, and getting…
I’m Not as Great as I Think I Am
Recently Dove did a study that showed men think they are better looking than they actually are, but a similar study was done in 2010 and before that in 2009. I probably think I’m better looking than I actually am, but what I’m more concerned with recently is that I may think I’m better than…
How to Start Your Own Web Design Business
I recently wrote a blog post on my Indianapolis web design site about how to start your own web design business. I shared a little bit about how I got started, but I wanted to go into more detail here on my own blog, An Entrepreneurial Mind. When I first started, I had just quit…
Laptops at Work
Same new background. Aren’t I cool? [Update 1/7/2012: I still use a laptop like this that my parents gave me recently when they got a new one. It’s over five years old now.]