For a limited time, Erich Stauffer is offering Social Media Management for $300 a month for 3 months to boost your online presence and increase business
Call 317-572-7521 or email us using the contact form – just be sure to mention “3×300” to get this package deal, which is normally priced at $600 a month. Save 50% by acting now.
For $300 a month your company will get these business-booster services:
- Daily Facebook Updates
- Daily Twitter Updates
- A blog entry (post) once a week
- Online classified ad entries once a month
- A 5-minute video shot and posted on Youtube once a month
- Brand monitoring to discover feedback on the web
- One hour of one-on-one business consulting from Erich Stauffer
Erich Stauffer will “ghost” as you or update, post, and blog right alongside you. We’ll take the time to learn your writing and posting habits; and the services, products, and culture of your business before representing your brand online.
Call 317-572-7521 or email using the term “3×300” to get this package deal, which is normally priced at $600 a month. Act now to save 50%.