The Adjacent Possible
Link to: How to Work a Life of Purpose Cal Newport’s book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love In Cal Newport’s book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love, of which Haden’s article is…
On Making Gnomes: How The Sims Made Me an Entrepreneur
Shortly after my wife and I first moved into our first home together, we created a game room. We had consoles and PCs and a single bed we used as a couch. One of the games we liked to play was The Sims. In The Sims: Livin’ Large, there is a “KraftMatic Woodworking Table” where…
One of the most popular computer games right now is Minecraft, a game that allows you to create, edit, and explore worlds by digging, transforming, and creating new things out of basic materials like wood, stone, and metal. I started playing Minecraft on November 27, 2011. Two days later I noted, “I bought it specifically…
Building the LongView
In the spring of 2005 I ran an Indianapolis Game Development meetup called Indy Game Dev. It had one other member. We decided we’d make our own computer game. We met at his parent’s house in Fishers where he lived. His family computer was in his parent’s bedroom. I was still working at Old National,…
Stock Simulation Games; Fantasy Stocks
Virtual Stock Exchange From Market Watch, a Dow Jones Company http://vse.marketwatch.com/Game/Homepage.aspx Investopedia A Forbes Media Company http://simulator.investopedia.com/ Interested in joining? Send me an email to info@watershawl.com.