Too Much Content – Advice I Love to Ignore
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been told there is too much content I’d have, like $5. The thing I see right away in the content is that there is far too much content. MORE PICTURES!!” -Sam, Web Designer, 11/16/2012 I agree! We need more pictures. Who’s going to take them? When…
Content Management Systems vs. Managing Content
If I were tweeting today I would have wrote: WordPress is not so much a content management system as much as a content display system. A content management system (CMS) designed by Erich Stauffer would allow content to be platform-agnostic. In DRY (don’t repeat yourself) terms, the content would be an object who’s repurposing could…
Customer Acquisition Systems in a Marketing Ecosystem
You may have heard of “marketing platforms“, but I’d like to introduce what I’d like to call “marketing ecosystems”. What is a Marketing Ecosystem? While a marketing platform contains a ‘home base’ such as a web site and its corresponding marketing channels such as Twitter, Facebook, and Books – a Marketing Ecosystem takes a slightly…
Content Marketing
5 Ways to Create Great Content Marketing: Write What Matters to the Customer – Write from your customer’s point of view. Take the time to figure out what they care about – not just the features of your product. In other words, think like a salesman and do your homework. Go where your customers are…
We’re only 3 weeks into 2012 and we’re already seeing these 7 Marketing Trends of 2012: Noise Reduction – Being more mindful of what we share to reduce the numbness oversharing can create Commitment – “Commit” is a word you’ll hear a lot more going forward and you’ll be expected to do so High Value Content –…
Write What Matters to Your Customer
I’ve been building sites with the thought process that content matters more than SEO. I’ve been doing that by solving peoples problems. I look for those problems by finding sticky posts on forums, reviewing Yahoo Answers questions, and reviewing search terms for people finding my site (only works after you have content). Here are some…
How to Survive the Summer Slump
There’s an old saying, “You can plant a tree any month with an ‘r’ in it,” which means you’ll have the most success during the months with more naturally occurring rainfall. Of course you can plant trees any month of the year (as long as the ground is not frozen), but from May to August…
6 Steps to Making Money Online
Using proven, repeatable techniques there is little risk and great rewards involved in marketing products for profit. When you use keywords that people are searching for, you naturally drive traffic to your site, which in turn makes you money online. But how do you find the right keywords and how do you know what people…
Top 5 Quick and Dirty Hosted Blog Publishing Services
Whether or not you have your own domain, sooner or later you’re going to have the need for a hosted blog platform to create more backlinks. Webories, the web directories web site, has two articles on hosted blog publishing services* (“Top 5 Hosted Blog Publishing Services” and “Top 5 Hosted Micro-Blogging Publishing Services”) that I…