Here’s a rough rule for using Instagram to market your product or business: 1x100x10. Post at least 1 picture, like 100 pictures, and comment on at least 10 of them – every single day.
When adding captions to your own photo, use at least 1 relevant #hashtag, but 3 or more is better. The more hashtags you have, the more chance you have of being interacted with. This is because Instagram can only search hashtags, not text.
How to find pictures to like?
Know your keywords and use them to search for hashtags. Once you find a hashtag, click the ‘3 dash’ icon and scroll through liking rapid-fire. When you see a post you want to comment on, stop to comment.
Comments aren’t just for talking to the original poster. They are also a great way to interact with other commenters – especially on a post that already has over 100 likes.
You can add hashtags to comments on other people’s posts, but I haven’t seen this add that hashtag to Instagram’s hashtag search database. Only the original poster’s hashtags get added.
How often should I post?
Post at least once a day. Don’t always cross-promote on other social media channels – except for Tumblr – it’s cool because there is very little cross-over on that network.
To cross promote to a Facebook page you manage, first add your personal Facebook account and then go back and change the setting to a page. You can do this in settings.
You can only post from a mobile device and posts can’t be scheduled so you’ll need to get into a routine of doing it everyday.
I do it either while I’m laying in bed in the morning, laying in bed at night, or while I’m doing something else. Want to follow me on Instagram?