Why I Started Bold Bros.

Jason and I have started working on creating our own online courses and ‘creating online courses for other people as a service’.

Bold Bros.What I quickly realized is that between me and Jason, we have the skills to turn what we would normally consider the “wrapper” (ie. marketing materials) into a product that someone would buy over and over again. It’s the standard “do the work once, get paid over time” thing that could apply to making any digital product.

The second thing I realized was that I could separate out the creation of the course from the production of the course and seek out people who already have content, but don’t want to make the course. In this way they can either pay us to produce their course or we pay them and sell their course over time to get our money back.

Bold Bros is not about us making money – it’s about helping other people make money.

Asana’s mission (a project/task management/communications app) is to prevent people from having to use email to communicate. But unlike Google Wave they don’t shove it in your face. Everyone at the company knows that’s the mission, but their customers are mostly unaware.

Instead of stating that, “We want to help you make more money,” we internally know that is WHY we are teaching them to so the things that will help their business grow. This follows Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” ideals and is similar to my old thoughts of ‘providing jobs for people’.

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