• How Will Tablets Affect My Kids?

    How Will Tablets Affect My Kids?

    I wondered if I was making the right decision. I didn’t know. Amazon was having a Prime Day. There were going to be sales. My wife said she wanted tablets for the kids. I bought 3. What effect would it have on the family? Would they ever talk to me again? How would we keep…

  • Best Android Tablet PCs for Any Budget

    If you’re in the market for a new Android tablet PC, Tablet Comparison has compiled a list of the the best tablet PCs under $300 and the best tablet PCs over $300. You may be surprised how far your dollar can go this Christmas season. Most are Android tablet PCs with the exceptions being Apple’s…

  • Read Pads Renews Focus on Tablet PC Pads

    Read Pads, our reading pads web site, has changed its focus to covering tablet pc pads. There are many different types of tablet PCs as covered on our tablet comparison web site, but Read Pad PCs focuses on tablet PCs that are specifically called ‘pads’, which include the Android aPad/ePad, Apple iPad, ASUS Eee Pad,…

  • Tablet PCs and Their Effect on Web Design

    2011 is supposed to be ‘the year of the tablet’ and while growth has exploded since 2009 it hasn’t really affected web design, but all that may soon change. In the same way ebook readers are changing the way books are produced, tablet PCs may change the way web site content is produced. For example,…

  • Tablet PCs Effect on Business

    How will tablet PCs affect business? Now that tablet PCs are becoming more pervasive and in some cases, cheaper, how will businesses be integrating them into their business processes and technology planning? McDonalds and Sam’s Club have both been using tablets to pre-checkout customers in line and now medical doctors are considering using them in…