• 13 More Books for Every Entrepreneur

    Master the fundamentals of entrepreneurship at every stage in your career Previously, I wrote about 13 books every entrepreneur should read, but if that was the baseline, this is the update: 13 more books every entrepreneur can benefit for reading: The Start-Up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career…

  • 13 Books Every Entrepreneur Can Benefit From Reading

    A lot of times I find myself referencing a book or two that I’ve read and people will ask me for a list of books that I recommend on business startups, business growth, personal development, or about being an entrepreneur in general so I compiled this list of books with links where you can purchase…

  • Dan Pink on the Surprising Science of Motivation

    TED has a talk entitled, “The Suprising Science of Motivation,” where career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. With a trio of influential bestsellers, Dan Pink has changed the way companies view…

  • The Confidence-Success Loop

    The “con” in con-man is short for confidence.  Con-men are successful because they are confident.  They “fake it until they make it” one might say.  This same confidence can and is used by successful law-abiding citizens every day.  What I am suggesting is that there is such a strong connection between success and confidence that…

  • The Art of Gardening

    While pulling weeds in my garden this afternoon, which I am accustomed to doing after church on Sundays throughout the summer, I began consciously trying to free my mind from everything outside of the relationship between me and my garden. And the moment my mind was free, I was able to find the answer I…

  • A Rainy Day is the Best Time to Sell and Umbrella; How to Become Successful in a Recession

    Now that America is in an Awakening, we need manufacturing more than ever.  Start in the ground.  What raw materials do we have to work with? Fossil fuels for energy (hundreds of years of coal, at least ten years of oil, and some natural gas to boot) Copper (a third is still in the ground,…