• Business Thinker and Rational Architect

    I just took a new career finder test at Shobia after reading about it on Hacker News. I had my wife take it first as a control. She got “Business Interactor”, which means she may, “like interacting with other people, especially when it is in a professional work setting like in a company,” and she…

  • 10,000 Hours

    Have you ever heard that it takes “10,000 hours” to become good at something or that you should “follow your passion” and “do what you love”? If you’re still wondering What Color is Your Parachute? and you still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up, it may be time to take…

  • How to Work a Life of Purpose

    What is my purpose in work? How can I find a career I love? I have been reading Hacker News for the last six months or so and a few days ago I stumbled upon a Jeff Haden piece called “Do What You Love? Screw That”. I admit, this title intrigued me. I had been…

  • Online Career Tests and What I Found Out About Myself

    I recently filled out a career test from the Navy called Life Ops and another one at CareerFitter. This is what I found out. Careers The only similarities between the Navy and the CareerFitter test were these careers: Musician Artist Writer I wouldn’t consider myself a musician now, but I was in choir through middle and high school and…